Are you BLOATED or just DIGESTING?
As a Fitness Nutrition Expert, I have taken the time to understand the way foods interact with each other, how digestion works and the role of food and mental health. An extremely unhealthy pattern that I have come to notice is the worrying thoughts of your stomach expanding after eating or as my clients say, “I am feeling fat after eating…” Now the real culprit of this is the internet which has lead us to believe, we are meant to have a flat stomach all day and year long, causing a serious impact on mental health, leading to eating disorders. So let’s break it down ⬇️ What makes a HEALTHY digestive system? According to science, it is a combination of enzymes and gut bacteria which efficiently absorb nutrients and flush out toxins while preventing any growth of harmful bacteria. BUT what does it look like on the outside? After you finish eating, your stomach breaks down food into digestible size pieces which are then passed on to your small intestine for the digestion...